
To date, two COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for emergency use by the FDA. Produced by Pfizer and Moderna, the vaccines are in full distribution throughout the world; however they differ slightly in certain respects.

In this COVID world that makes one wonder if the apocalypse is upon us, mental health is a serious issue. Around the world, normal stressors such as work, finances, education and childcare have been exacerbated by health concerns, exhaustion, isolation and alienation.

On December 21, 2020, Congress passed an approximately $900 billion coronavirus relief bill, the largest since the CARES Act was enacted in March.

Last week, the CFTC issued a “Digital Assets Primer” that was published by its LabCFTC.  If you had just arrived in the 21st century from another time or planet, this 36-page PowerPoint-style presentation would provide you with a good foundation in this asset and the CFTC’s framework for regulati

As I wrote about previously on our blog, the Massachusetts Right to Repair amendment passed in November is up against a lawsuit from auto manufacturers.

In the coming weeks and months, COVID-19 vaccines will be distributed around the United States.

The Families First Coronavirus Relief Act ("FFCRA") was passed by Congress this spring to mandate two weeks of paid sick leave for COVID-19 reasons and to extend the FMLA by creating a new reason for FMLA leave relating to the need for child care because of COVID-19....

On 18 December 2020, BIS added over 70 entities to the Entity List, including Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) of China.
