
The U.S. response to the COVID-19 outbreak has included rapid and dramatic changes in local, state and federal employment laws. Some New York employers are struggling to understand the new paid leave laws while others are facing the decision to...

On March 25, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a temporary policy relating to enforcement of regulatory requirements for face masks and respirators during the COVID-19 crisis. Since the public health emergency began, the United...

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, nearly every state in the country has declared a state of disaster or emergency and decision-makers in numerous counties, cities and localities have followed suit. The powers associated with a...

On March 19, 2020, the New York Public Service Commission (Commission) issued an Order Regarding Community Credit and Community Adder Allocations, in response to a November 1, 2019 petition filed by the New York State Energy Research and Development...

The NLRB continues to operate during the novel coronavirus crisis. Regional offices are largely working remotely as is the rest of the country. The Board itself continues to issue decisions, albeit at a slower pace than usual......

Several states that have issued shelter-in-place orders or required nonessential businesses to close to slow the spread of COVID-19, reference or rely upon the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)...

I start with a promise: To leave you-know-what behind as soon as possible. In the meantime, here are summaries of your federal government’s effort to alleviate the distress caused by the situation....

The NYS Department of Health (DOH) is issuing updates on COVID-19 requirements for providers nearly every day during this crisis. This will focus on an important update issued this past Saturday designed to replenish the health care workforce by...

On March 31, 2020, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA 14 (the “Executive Order”) relating to statewide continuity of essential services and activities during the COVID-19 disaster. The Executive Order becomes effective at 12:01 am on April 2,...

The COVID-19 virus has ushered in unprecedented and challenging times for our country and our global community. From the deeply personal pain and suffering caused by the virus as a health pandemic to behavioral adjustments in the consumer population...
