
On August 3, the federal court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) issued an order invalidating several significant portions of the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Final Rule regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The SDNY struck down the following provisions: 1.

The EEO-1 report — who doesn’t love preparing that? With recent changes it has only gotten more fun. Many employers waited for the EEO-1 reporting portal to open for the March 31, 2020 reporting deadline, but it never did. Now some employers are wondering when they should report.

The COVID-19 upheaval has already claimed many jobs. While borders remain closed, everyone whose income relies in some way on tourism faces the toughest of times.

In This Edition: A massive explosion in Lebanon kills 100 and injures thousands. Foreign investors are flocking back to Russian bonds, attracted by high yields compared to other emerging markets. Coronavirus cases in the Americas top 10m.

The last several months have been wholly unprecedented, in many different ways. Lawyers have experienced the challenges of working and practicing law from home.

Flood planning is an important aspect of strategic land use planning in NSW and aims to minimise risk to life, property and the environment.

Last month, the Commerce Commission released its new Environmental Claims Guidelines, which are intended to help businesses understand their Fair Trading Act obligations when making ‘green’ claims.

Life sciences companies regularly face new challenges related to current changes in legislation. We have prepared for you a brief overview of selected legal, regulatory and media news for the last calendar month in the field of life sciences adopted in the Slovak Republic and the European Union.

The European Green Deal is a new growth strategy invented to reshape the EU economy. In the eyes of the European Commission, its scale exceed even post-war transformation in the West and post-Soviet transition in the East.

This Background Briefing looks at the priorities set out by each of the presidencies, how they interoperate with the recent announcements from the EU Commission over the summer of 2020 and what all of this might mean for policymakers’ approach to regulated financial services firms and non-regulat
