
We all know by now there were errors in the pre-election polls. While Joe Biden still scored a decisive win, there wasn’t the dramatic margin that many polls predicted. Part of the problem is that the task of sampling the population is getting harder and harder.

This briefing is the second in our series of briefings on corporate governance and is designed to provide a synopsis of topical corporate governance matters impacting companies in the United Kingdom.

The Federal Court has released a new consolidated practice direction, Case and Trial Management Guidelines for Complex Proceedings.

As Murphy’s law states, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. This age-old adage can be applied to what the U.S. oil and gas industry has experienced through most of 2020. The U.S.

Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat am 17. November 2020 (XI ZR 171/19) in einem mit Spannung erwarteten Urteil die Musterfeststellungsklage eines Verbrauchervereins mangels Klagebefugnis für unzulässig erklärt: „Qualifizierte Einrichtungen“ müssen die gesetzlichen Anforderungen nicht nur auf dem Pap

The UK Government’s inaugural National Infrastructure Strategy has now been published in response to the UK’s first ever National Infrastructure Assessment, produced by the National Infrastructure Commission.

Two cases illustrate the narrow scope of application for exceptions to the without prejudice rule of legal privilege. Background - In two recent judgments, the High Court found exception to the ‘without prejudice’ rule of legal privilege.

2020 will probably be remembered as a year of chaos and disruption, but the hard lessons learned can be leveraged right now to help law firms prepare for a more stable and successful 2021.

We recently wrote about data published by HMRC in August 2020 which provided some insight into the impact of Covid-19 on HMRC’s compliance activities.

Time to grant is vitally important when generating a robust patent portfolio. While speed is critical for many start-ups, it often comes with a price. Track One examination requires payment of fees.
