
It’s no surprise that of the 20 biggest AI companies in the world, no conglomerates are listed. Burdened by legacy business lines, technologies, and organizational structures as well as silos, these companies have struggled to stay abreast of the...

The global offshore wind market has grown nearly 30 percent per year since 2010 and is projected to be a US$1 trillion industry over the next two decades. Markets around the world are seeing significant increases in offshore wind activity driven by...

A declaratory order issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the Commission) on January 30 in Docket No. RP20-41-000 grants pipeline developers greater certainty in planning and siting construction. The order was issued after a split 2-1...

Investment Advisers - ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REVIEWS - All investment advisers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) or at the state level are required to review their compliance policies and procedures at least annually (and...

Arizona jumped out front of the pack with the introduction of Senate Bill No. 1557, titled "Annuity Transactions; Requirements," which would amend Arizona's suitability requirements for annuity transactions. Senate Bill No. 1557 was introduced on...

The California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) went into effect January 1, 2020, though the enforcement of the CCPA is delayed until July 1, 2020. The obligations set forth below will apply to all parties; however, the application to B2B or...

In our December 23, 2019 Legal Alert we reported that the NYS Department of Health’s (“DOH”) Request for Offers (“RFO”) required a “Joint Employment Attestation” in any offer to continue or first become a Fiscal Intermediary (“FIs”) under NYS’s...

Encouraged by New York City’s implementation of new initiatives for presumptive Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), an advisory committee is exploring ways to expand ADR across the state to provide litigants efficient and cost-effective access to...

In 2020, conglomerates around the globe are expected to continue gobbling up tech upstarts – whether in an effort to modernize distribution channels, improve enterprise security, integrate Artificial Intelligence and/or Machine Learning capabilities,...

The U.K. Prudential Regulation Authority has published a Policy Statement following its consultation last year on changes to the Pillar 2 capital requirements for banks and large investment firms. The amendments will apply from January 23, 2020. The...
