
Two new laws that seek to enhance pay transparency and pay equity have been passed and, once proclaimed, will impact provincially-regulated and federally-regulated employees and employers....
By: Dickinson Wright

PELOSI INTRODUCES DRUG PRICING BILL WHILE TRUMP PUSHES SENATE VERSION - House Democrats introduced legislation last week to lower prescription drug prices – including allowing Medicare to negotiate prices with manufacturers – and set an aggressive...

With the future of the EEOC’s pay data collection efforts unclear, California’s effort to legislate its own race- and sex-based pay data reporting requirements likewise has stalled, for now. Since July, California’s Senate Bill 171 (requiring...

I read a very interesting article in the Epstein Becker Wage & Hour Defense Blog, whose sentiments I wholeheartedly agree with. It concerns the issue of attorney fees for plaintiff lawyers in FLSA/wage cases. The blog post notes that often, these...

On September 20, 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) clarified several procedural questions regarding class-action certification in the case of Pioneer v. Godfrey. This ruling, which followed a trilogy of landmark decisions six years ago that...

Can you imagine something as simple as a COBRA Notice missing a few technical requirements resulting in an employer needing to pay a 6 or 7-digit damages award? That is happening in Florida. Employers in and out of Florida should pay attention to...

A Texas bankruptcy judge has determined that a landlord will not be entitled to an administrative claim for post-petition rent as it failed to file and prosecute a timely motion for allowance of the administrative rent claim holding that a previously...

Most transactions have their share of hiccups. Some cases are more serious than others. Generally speaking, they originate with the seller. For example, due diligence turns up some disturbing information about the target company’s legal status, the...

Last year (April 2018) the California Supreme Court rocked the boat with the seminal Dynamex decision, which created very high barriers for companies who utilize independent contractors. On September 18, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly...

Yes, it can be, according to the Executive Director of the Council of Institutional Investors, in announcing CII’s new policy on executive comp. Among other ideas, the new policy calls for plans with less complexity (who can’t get behind that?),...
