
The False Claims Act prohibits various forms of retaliation against a whistleblower, including termination, demotion, suspension, threats, harassment or discrimination. In this video, James Holloway of Baker Donelson's Government Enforcement and...

The House of Commons recently rejected the Withdrawal Agreement. While the UK Parliament is still debating how to leave the EU, a hard Brexit remains an option. To prepare for this possibility, the UK, EU Commission and EU27 have taken measures to...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Would Reshape the Economy in 10 Years. That Could Shock the Energy Sector. "The concern is that Ocasio-Cortez's plan to achieve climate goals in just 10 years will not only tee up defeat but unleash...

Show Me The Money - When purchasing real property, buyers rarely pay the entire purchase price in cash. Usually there is some debt financing such as from a bank loan. Lenders, however, rarely finance the entire purchase price of a property. Lenders...

Criminal background checks are helpful in not only identifying applicants who might not be suitable for a job, but in limiting the potential liability associated with negligent hiring claims. Bethany Salvatore and Bryant Andrews answer your questions...

Blockchain Pilots for Supply Chain and Land Titles, Improved Analytics, and Decentralization - Earlier this week IBM announced the completion of a shipment tracking trial that recorded the bill of lading on a blockchain....

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting comment through March 11, 2019, on its proposed “National Compliance Initiatives” for fiscal years (FY) 2020-2023. National Compliance Initiatives were known as National Enforcement...

Weekly Wrap - It was a busy week in the state Capitol, with both the Senate and the House of Representatives in Harrisburg for session. The headliner this week was the Governor’s joint address to both chambers to unveil his 2019-2020 proposed state...
