
On June 12, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California denied Castle & Cooke Mortgage’s motion to dismiss in a putative class action brought by affected borrowers stemming from Castle and Cooke’s 2013 settlement with the...

Now that the dust has settled a little on the FIFA criminal case, I wanted to throw my two cents into the commentary pot. Those who focus on whether the FIFA case is a “corruption case,” “an FCPA case” or some other short-handed description are...

It is hard to believe we are getting ready to head into the July 4th weekend! 2015 is almost half-way over and I have started to plan out the remainder of the year andit is crazy to think if you are thinking of filing bankruptcy and want to start...

It was my second week as the bank holding company’s newly minted general counsel, and I walked into my CEO’s office late in the afternoon with one question: “What type of general counsel do you want me to be for you?”...

While it may go down as a classic case of “bad facts making bad law,” last week’s ruling rejecting the government’s NEPA analysis for the controversial Illiana Expressway is the just the latest in a disturbing trend for large infrastructure...

The House is scheduled to vote late today, June 23, 2015 (around 6:30 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.), on the TSCA Modernization Act of 2015 (H.R. 2576). The House Committee on Energy and Commerce issued a press release on June 22, 2015, noting that the bill...

In this news letter: - Preparing for greater supply chain transparency - Background - Timing - Will you be affected? - Preparing the statement - How far up your supply chains do you need to go? - Publication -...

Since June 9th a computer glitch has stalled visa processing at U.S. embassies all over the world. The hardware malfunction has kept crucial biometrics information (including fingerprints) from reaching foreign U.S. consulates. With border security...

Following the Texas Attorney General’s objection to the sale of RadioShack Corporation’s consumer data as an asset in its bankruptcy, 37 other state attorneys general and a large number of other consumer protection entities formally raised similar...
