
The results of a study by Tatiana Sandino, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, and Clara Xiaoling Chen, assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, suggest that employers may be able to reduce their...

On December 16, the FHFA released the 2013 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), discussing the FHFA’s progress as regulator and conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and regulator of the 12 Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBs)....

Relying in part on the recent United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Clapper v. Amnesty International, a federal judge in New Jersey dismissed a putative data breach class action against three healthcare entities and a vendor retained by each the...

As of Jan. 1, 2014, members of Oregon nonprofit corporations may participate in membership meetings by remote communication, provided certain safeguards are in place. Directors of Oregon nonprofit corporations have long been permitted to participate...

In a much anticipated letter response, FDA has officially declined the opportunity to administratively determine whether foods containing bioengineered ingredients may be labeled as “Natural,” “All Natural” or “100% Natural,” and more generally,...

In December, Heenan Blaikie published “Achieving Balance, Ontario’s New Long-Term Energy Plan: A Plan with Potential Sparks for the Future”, an overview of the Long-Term Energy Plan (“LTEP”) for Ontario’s energy generation and distribution over the...

In a world where communications are shared in a space of less than 140 characters, emoticons are often a part of the lexicon for most texters, tweeters, gamers, and smartphone screen tappers. I have an app, Emoji, that turns my phone’s keyboard into...

On January 7, Minnesota Governor Dayton announced the appointment of Dan Lipschultz to a six year term to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The Commission oversees a huge sector of the state economy, including the electric, natural gas and...

In June 2013, the Illinois Appellate Court for the First District (i.e., Cook County) held that, absent other consideration, two years of employment is required for a restrictive covenant to be deemed supported by adequate consideration—even where...

To many, the words “custody” and “hide” would seem to have absolutely nothing in common. Etymologically speaking, however, they are cognates (blood relatives). Their common ancestor is the Proto-Indo-European etymon – “skeu”, meaning to cover or...
