
Compliance programs evolve just as the thinking on best practices has changed over the past few years. One of the areas that has not received as much attention in compliance programs is the amount of compensation paid to third party representatives....

As we previously reported in our June 2013 issue, New York City recently became the largest municipality in the country requiring employers to provide sick time to employees under the “Earned Sick Time Act.” However, in order to become effective, the...

On December 11, 2013, Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, Dr. Ann Cavoukian, and TELUS released a new whitepaper applying the principles of Privacy by Design to employee owned devices in the workplace. The whitepaper, entitled “Bring Your...

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation into law on November 27, 2013, creating the MISS DIG Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act (Public Acts 173 and 174). The new laws update a forty year old statute designed protect...

In This Presentation: - Crowdfunding - SEC Rules are Out - now what? ..JOBS Act Overview ..Crowdfunding background ..Backdrop: Current Crowdfunding Landscape – Five* Varieties ..Public Equity Crowdfunding ..Public Crowdfunding vs....

On November 19, 2013, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced that its general counsel has authorized the issuance of multiple complaints against Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Wal-Mart) over a variety of statements made and acts taken by...

Sometimes you can find great employment law lessons in the craziest places and lawsuits, and even non-employment law lawsuits. This month, a decision was issued by a Family Court Judge in Brooklyn, New York that, while an apparent nightmare for the...

Yesterday Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes ruled that the appeals to his earlier holding that Detroit was entitled to proceed in its Chapter 9 Bankruptcy proceeding would be allowed to bypass a federal district court and head straight to the U.S. Court...

Municipal water rights present an anomaly under the prior appropriation doctrine, which governs water law in the West. The doctrine is predicated on the idea that the permittee will act quickly to put the water to beneficial use. However, cities...

Despite losses in California and Washington, groups in favor of labeling food containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms (“GMO”) continue legislative efforts at the state and national level. Oregon and Colorado appear to be the next...
