
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (“SIFMA”), International Swaps and Derivatives Association (“ISDA”), and Institute of International Bankers (“IIB”) filed a suit against the CFTC in the U.S. District Court for the District of...

La nozione di "abuso del diritto" in materia tributaria ha origine giurisprudenziale ed è definita come la messa in atto di tutte quelle operazioni imprenditoriali aventi l'obiettivo principale, quando non esclusivo, di ottenere risparmi d'imposta...

Kündigt ein Arbeitgeber einer schwangeren Arbeitnehmerin unter Verstoß gegen das Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG), stellt dies grundsätzlich eine Benachteiligung wegen des Geschlechts dar und kann einen Anspruch auf Entschädigung auslösen. Dies ist...

2013 saw a number of changes to LIBOR, the key interest rate benchmark that is used in a range of financial transactions. These changes have already impacted existing financial transactions, and, almost certainly, will continue to shape future...

As part of its continuing focus on payday lending, the New York Department of Financial Services announced that it sent subpoenas to numerous online “lead generation” firms suspected of deceptive or misleading marketing of illegal, online payday...

On November 18, 2013, E-Verify announced an enhancement to combat identity fraud. USCIS can now “lock out” social security numbers that appear to have been used fraudulently. Once locked out, “tentative non-confirmations” will be issued for these...

The FRB issued guidance on managing outsourcing risks, intended to highlight the potential risks arising from the use of service providers, describe the components of an appropriate service provider risk management program, and supplement previous...

After a long consultation process, the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) published the long awaited regulations on the protection of copyright on the Internet and media, which among other things provide for a notice and take down procedure for...

Before John Calipari, Rick Pitino and other presently successful college basketball coaches, there was the “Shark”. Jerry “Tark the Shark” Tarkanian held an impressive run as the Men’s Basketball Coach at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV)...

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that employers pay most hourly workers for all hours worked plus overtime, calculated at one-and-a-half times the employee's regular rate, based on 40 hours per seven-day workweek. However, certain...
