
Last Friday, the Federal Housing Administration announced that it will reduce the maximum threshold for the high-price mortgages it is willing to insure. This change was called for by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, but was delayed...

Managing data security and privacy is becoming an increasingly larger part of a company’s risk portfolio, especially as it relates to transactions with third parties Brian Von Hatten, Scott & Scott, LLP attorney, suggests that when negotiating with...

For years organizations have used training to successfully build legal defenses and better position their organizations against litigation and enforcement actions. Increasingly though, training is intended to serve a dual purpose which includes...

A Michigan man seeking $5 million for spending 10 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit is encountering more bad luck as a result of Detroit’s bankruptcy.

There comes a time in many arbitrations when a tension develops between the parties and the arbitrator. While it is common of course for tensions to exist between the parties to the arbitration, most arbitrators strive to work with the parties and...

When your own flashlight is spying on you, something is wrong. That, at any rate, is the Federal Trade Commission’s thinking in a case that illustrates how, in today’s electronic world, privacy concerns can lurk in the most unlikely contexts....

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently announced a revised timeline for the implementation of Stage 3 “meaningful use” measures for the Electronic Health Records Incentive Programs, but did not extend the timeline for when providers...

A paper released by the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution asserts that by relying on a technology transfer model based on patent licensing, only a few universities have been able to generate significant revenues, and in...

Year-End Amendments - The month of December is a bit different in 2013. Typically, we mark this time scrambling to amend 401(k), profit sharing, and money purchase plans in order to maintain their tax-qualified status. This year there are no...

Pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. Inc. has agreed to pay $27.7 million to about 1,200 plaintiffs as part of a Fosamax settlement to resolve claims that the osteoporosis drug caused bones in their jaws to deteriorate.
