
The Federal Circuit vacated and remanded the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s (PTAB) decisions in two inter partes review (IPR) proceedings, finding that the PTAB applied the wrong standard when it presumed there was a nexus between a patent owner’s...

The line between aggressive business competition and unlawful conduct can sometimes be difficult to determine. Many different theories of tort liability have developed over the years to address the variations of unlawful conduct and competitive...

Editors’ Note: This is the first in our start-of-year series examining important trends in white collar law and investigations in the coming year. Up next: a look at trends in health care enforcement. Look for additional posts throughout the month of...

This volume presents certain federal and state tax incentives promoting the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Each section outlines the basic features and regulatory requirements for a tax program which provides financial incentives...

UK Case Developments - IR35 – no mutuality of obligation to create a contract of employment - RALC Consulting Ltd v HMRC has provided the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) with another opportunity to consider the application of the IR35 rules to a...

Making sure you have the right estate planning documents is one of the simplest ways to have a positive impact on your family's future. Proper planning ensures that your wishes will be followed and that your family will have less to worry about after...

A Trending News interview from Employment Law This Week®, featuring attorney Steve Swirsky, Member of the Firm: The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ended the year with a flurry of activity, including the relaxing of the “quickie” election...

This memorandum outlines key considerations from White & Case's Public Company Advisory Practice for US public companies in preparation for the 2020 annual reporting and proxy season. Section I of this memo describes our key considerations for...

Compliance Today (January 2020) - On November 18, 2019, MIT Sloan School of Management announced in a press release, “Evidence points towards yes, according to new research that offers the first large sample study on how rules and ethics training...

Just before the end of the year, the FCC issued a Public Notice seeking industry input regarding call blocking measures implemented to date, as well as the impact and effectiveness such measures have had following its Call Blocking Declaratory...
