
Seyfarth Synopsis: Set to take effect on January 1, 2020, AB 51 would make it unlawful for employers to impose arbitration agreements on employees as a condition of employment, even if employees are permitted to opt out. As expected, AB 51 was...

The flurry of activity from National Labor Relations Board in late 2019 was a fairly consistent drum beat of good news for employers.  In many cases, the Board restored decades of precedent that had been upended by the Board during the Obama...

Whether you, and your business associates, are forming a local coffee shop or the next big Silicon Valley tech company, most entrepreneurs will have to decide on the type of operating entity that they will use for their business venture. Sole...

Not so long ago, in a galaxy not so far, far away, California passed Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), which took effect on January 1, 2020. AB5 is designed to crack down on companies classifying workers as independent contractors rather than employees....

Northeastern Pennsylvania Freethought Society v. County of Lackawanna Transit System, 938 F.3d 424 (3d Cir. Sept. 17, 2019) (United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that County transit system’s rejection of atheist group’s proposed...

Mexico’s Ministry of the Interior (Secretaria de Gobernación, SEGOB) and National Immigration Institute (NII) (Instituto Nacional de Migración, INM) published new governmental fees for immigration procedures related to foreign nationals and...

A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order on Tuesday, December 31st, to halt enforcement of California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5), regarding truck drivers, only hours before the law went into effect on January 1, 2020.  AB 5, often referred...

What is the value of having a Code of Conduct? In its early days, a Code of Conduct tended to be lawyer-written and lawyer-driven to wave in regulator’s face during an enforcement action as proof of ethical overall behavior. Is such a legalistic code...

In the Episode, I visit with Ephraim (Fry) Wernick. He is a partner in the Government Investigations and White-Collar Practice Group at Vinson & Elkins LLP in Washington, DC.  Mr. Wernick joined V&E in June 2019 after serving 11 years as a federal...

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News: Congress takes aim at NCAA. (WSJ) Massive Cambridge Analytica document dump. (The Guardian) Does Ghosn flight bode no bail for super wealthy going forward? (FT) Ex-Ecuador President charged with...
